Two weeks ago, Apple published the iOS 17.2.1 update, which mostly addressed the issue of excessive power usage in specific situations. However, a lot of customers reported having connectivity issues following the update, based on user comments.
iPhone users reported issues making calls
User comments on Apple’s support forum indicate that versions of the iPhone 15 series are the primary ones affected. Users are unable to make calls or use cellular network data after updating to iOS 17.2.1 because they are unable to connect to the operator’s signal.
using cellular Internet after upgrading to iOS 17.2.1
Currently, this post has received more than 383 “Me Too” votes from users. Although some carrier customers have changed their SIM cards after contacting their service providers, the issue still remains unresolved.
Apple iPhone 15 series screen insights
When customers contacted Apple’s official after-sales staff with this issue, they did not receive any helpful assistance.