Realme unveiled the look of its Narzo 60 series smartphones last week. The future smartphones’ Amazon product page has also been updated with fresh information, thanks to Realme. The front of the Realme Narzo 60 Pro was also photographed and posted by the firm to assist emphasize certain features.
The curved screen on the Narzo 60 Pro will have a 120Hz refresh rate and 2,160Hz high-frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) dimming. The display’s bottom bezel will be 2.3 millimeters in size. Size and resolution are not specified. However, the Realme 11 Pro phones and the Narzo 60 series are very similar.
1TB of storage will be available on the Realme Narzo 60 Pro
The vegan leather back is a first for the Narzo clan, and the “Martian Horizon” shade was developed specifically for this model. The large circular camera island is clearly borrowed from the 11 Pro series, however, it lacks the series’ signature ornamental stripe.
The phones in the Narzo 60 series will have up to 12GB of physical RAM and up to 12GB of additional virtual RAM. Additionally, it will offer storage capacities of up to 1TB. The Narzo 60 Pro is probably the only device that can access these settings.
However, the plain Realme Narzo 60 will opt for a flat screen. It will also sport a 64MP rear camera instead of the 100MP shooter on the Pro model. This is a significant contrast to the 100MP and 200MP cameras of the Realme 11 Pro and 11 Pro+.
On July 6, the business will release its new Narzo smartphone. Additionally, Realme Buds Wireless 3 will be introduced. Key features such as 30dB ANC, 360° Spatial Audio, and 13.6mm dynamic drivers were announced by the business.